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  • Writer's pictureTeagan Charles

Body image, advertising and the media.

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Looking into a vintage feminist article made by magazine 'Spare Rib' I discovered a segment that addressed magazines such as Jackie, OK and 19. The problems found in these magazines were that it only ever seemed to speak about getting rid of acne, body hair, dandruff and split ends, etc. And if it wasn't making women feel bad about the natural occurrences to ones body, it was trying to sell you make-up, perfume and clothing. All materialistic items that keep the wheels of liberal capitalism turning. It concerned me especially considering this article dated back to the 1960s and it has become evident that in over 5 decades, absolutely nothing has changed in terms of sexist advertising as these are still very common themes in our magazines today, yet done far more subtly than these outrageous vintage ads.

It has become my own personal goal to start up my own magazine, (potentially online), not only in juxtapose of these sexist tabloids, but instead to redefine the 'needs' of a women which I can assure you isn't the latest skincare that'll revive your skin to that of a baby.

I plan to implement messages of self-growth and self-love into this new world that I want to create for women, one in which women feel respected, heard and appreciated.

My next step towards this project will be collecting data from the women in my life, with regards to what they would want to see in a modern feminism-driven magazine.

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